Our site will be migrated to a newer server infrastructure in the night from 29-July to 30-July. We expect an outage of about 3 hours. We will verify the site afterwards and fix unexpected issues as early as possible.
The complete coverage in English is discontinued. Static information in English is still provided on the English Information page. All other content in English is no longer maintained.

F.A.Q. Frequently Asked Questions 







How do I join WSCA?
After a few trial lessons, your trainer will give you the required form with all the information and a coupon, which you'll have to fill in, get signed by your parents and return in the next lesson.
Afterwards you'll get the latest information by mail or email.
You'll be accepted as a member immediately and you'll have to pay the member fee for the current year.
How do I quit WSCA?
Of course we'd love to keep you as a member for as long as possible. But we undestand that you may want to leave at some point. Do do so, please send us a written statement with your name by mail or email. We'd also love to know why you decided to leave WSCA. Send your letter to
  Wassersportclub Albis
  8913 Ottenbach
Note that the member fee remains due for the current year, even if you decide quit early. Without a written statement before August 31, you'll also have to pay next year's member fee.
What do I have to pay?
Member fees for active members:
- Group 1: CHF 220.- per year
- Group 2: CHF 170.- per year
- Group 3: CHF 140.- per year
This fee includes entry fees to the pools. Passiv members pay CHR 25.- (or more). Donations are welcome.
New members only pay half price starting March 1. Starting June 1, membership is free until August 31.
Expect additional costs for license (Swiss Swimming, between CHF 40.- and CHF 120.- depending on age), equipment and participation at events.



